Dojos in Germany
Oshiro Dojo Aschersleben

Sensei Ralf Smolin was born 1972 in the German town of Aschersleben. He has been studying karate since 1990. He started with the Fudokan, which was taught by students of the local police college. In 1992 he changed to the Shotokan and become a member of the "Shotokan Karate Verband Deutschland e.V.".
In September 1992 he and other karate men founded the sports club "Ascania Karate Traditionell e.V.", where he assumed the position of the dojo leader frome the late leader of the dojo "Yamato Aschersleben", Ulf Jörn, in October 1992.
Oshiro Dojo Callenberg

Norman Amft wurde 1978 in Zwickau geboren. 1991 begann er im Alter von 13 Jahren bei dem damaligen Verein AS Zwickau mit dem Shotokan Karate. Durch einen Wohnortwechsel lernte er 1994 in Callenberg Sensei Jochen Geringswald († 2012 ) kennen und setzte bei ihm sein Karatetraining fort.
Oshiro Dojo Feldkirchen

Florian Fischer Sensei began his martial arts training in 1992 at the Feldkirchen Karate Club at the invitation of a friend. In 2001, he took over the position of 1st chairman there and also replaced his former coach, who retired from training for professional reasons.
In 2002 he met Oshiro Shihan and was very impressed by his skills and knowledge. Therefore, he began to study Shihan Oshiro's understanding of martial arts and was accepted as his student. In 2005 he finally founded the Oshiro Dojo Feldkirchen. On his way in the RBKD he was always supported by Sensei Romero.
He currently holds a 4th Dan in Shima Ha Shorin Ryu Karate and a 3rd Dan in Yamanni Chinen Ryu Bojutsu.
Oshiro Dojo Frankfurt am Main

Sensei Stephan Becsei wurde am 29. April 1959 in Magdeburg geboren, ist verheiratet und hat eine Tochter.
- 1974 entstand der erste Kontakt zum Karate (DKU)
- 2002 kam es zum ersten Kontakt zu Shihan Toshihiro Oshiro
- 2006 erhielt Seinsei Becsei die RBKD Dojolizens für das Oshiro Dojo Frankfurt am Main
Oshiro Dojo Freiberg

Sensei Henry Holze ist Jahrgang 1976 und begann, nachdem er in der DDR vier Jahre Judo trainiert hatte, 1991 in Freiberg mit dem Shotokan Karate-Training. 1995 schlossen sich die bis dahin existierenden zwei Freiberger Dojos zusammen, so dass er fortan unter Sensei Roberto Romero trainierte.
Oshiro Dojo Hamburg

Hamburgs Dojoleiter Oliver Hofmann war bis zu seiner Umorientierung in das traditionelle Shorin-Ryu Karate etwa 20 Jahre im Shotokan-Karate aktiv (zuletzt 2. Dan Shotokan). Während seiner Nachforschungen zu den Wurzeln und Hintergründen des Karate, unternahm er eine Zeit lang Abstecher in andere Karatestile, bis er schliesslich auf Roberto Romero und Shihan Oshiro gestossen ist. Fasziniert von genau diesen sich in einzigartiger Art und Weise gegenseitig ergänzenden Kampfkünsten und der Tiefe des vermittelten Wissens durch Sensei Roberto Romero und Shihan Toshihiro Oshiro, trainiert er diese Stile nun bereits seit einigen Jahren intensiv und gibt seinen Kenntnisstand in Hamburg weiter.
Oshiro Dojo Jena

Sensei Daniel Gerth
Born in 1970 in the U.S. city of Neenah, Sensei Daniel Gehrt began studying karate in 1989 at the University of Wisconsin Stevens-Point. Since 1995 he has been leading trainings in the University Sport Association in Jena. Over the years, various impulses have promoted the further development of the group in the martial arts.
Oshiro Dojo Loessnitz

Sensei Karsten Windisch was born in 1964. He started practising karate with 16 years of age in the GDR. After the turn around he joined the Shotokan-Karate-Verband Deutschland and in 1994 founded his own dojo in Lößnitz in the Erzgebirge.
1998 he passed the test for the 1st dan in Shotokan under sensei M. Kawasoe.
Having attended a number of seminars held by Japanese grand masters he met shihan Oshiro in 2004. Impressed by the latter's mastership and extraordinary precise explanations of techniques he shifted the focus of his studies towards the traditional bujutsu.
Oshiro Dojo Lueneburg

Carsten Kreher wurde 1960 geboren und befasst sich seit vielen Jahren mit Karate und Kampfkunst.
Über Jahre übte er Shotokan-Karate. Als junger Mann lernte er Aikido und Taek Won Do kennen, und sammelte auch dort Erfahrungen. Später kamen einige Studienjahre im Chen Style Taijiquan hinzu. Heute betreibt Carsten ausschließlich japanische Kampfkünste. .
Oshiro Dojo Mannheim

Sensei Alexander Römer was born in March 1980 in the Lutherstadt Wittenberg. At the age of 13 he came into contact with Asian martial arts for the first time and trained Shorai-Do Kempo under Peter Fitzek.
In 1999 he switched to traditional Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate and trained there under Sensei Gerd Richter until 2001.
After moving to Mannheim in 2001, he joined the "Ronin Mannheim e.V." and started training traditional Shotokan Karate there. In 2004 he met Shihan Oshiro at a seminar through Ulrich Kliemczak and his former trainer Sensei Roberto Romero. Since this meeting he has dedicated himself exclusively to Shima Ha Shorin Ryu Karate and Chinen Yamanni Ryu Bojutsu.
In December 2006, he founded together with Ulrich Kliemczak the association "Uchinadi Mannheim e.V." where since then these two martial arts are trained. In November 2018 he graduated to 3rd Dan in Shima Ha Shorin Ryu Karate under Shihan Oshiro. In May 2023 he passed the examination for 2nd Dan in Yamanni Chinen ryu.
Oshiro Dojo Niederrhein

Steven Utracik was born 23 April 1969 in Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia.
At the age of 6 years he began to practice judo, due to various karate and kung fu movies.
He came to the kobudo of the KOBUDO KWAI Deutschland (Germany) in a roundabout. He assumed also a number of different executive positions there.
Oshiro Dojo Rodau

Sensei Joerg Rippert was born 11.04.1960 in Jugenheim. He is a married father of two children.
The first time that he got in contact with karate was in 1976.
1979 he joined the karate dojo "TuS. 1884 Zwingenberg", and in 1983 he passed the exam for the first dan in Shotokan karate.
Oshiro Dojo Schwerte

Thomas Heinze Sensei, born in 1976, startet training Shotokan ryu Karate in 1992. After some years of doing sports karate, his interesst for the history and the spiritual side of Karate rose.
He soon realized, that he prefered Karate as a form of Budo. He became student of Werner Lind, the found of the Budu Studien Kreis (Budo Study Circle) and learned a lot of new things from him about the technical as well as the spiritual contents of Karate.
Oshiro Dojo Stade

Nadine Michel geb. 1978 Hamburg, begann mit dem Training des Zen Do Karate im Jahr 1990.
Von 2000 bis 2012 trainierte sie Kempo Karate.
Seit 2010 Shima Ha Karate.